Saturday, February 18, 2012

Meet the soon to be, General CONAN.

Princess Yasmela goes in to the street to find the man whom the god Mitra says will help her. As she waits CONAN comes down the street,
The approaching figure went not furtively, like a thief, or timidly, like a fearful traveller. He strode down the nighted street as one who had no need or desire to walk softly. An unconscious swagger was in his stride, and his footfalls resounded on the pave. As he passed near a cresset she saw him plainly- a tall man in the chain-mail hauberk of a mercenary.
From "Black Colossus"
Page 112. The Complete Chronicles of CONAN.

Yasmela watches CONAN closely as the return to her palace,
From the corner of her eye she watched him as they went down the street together. His mail could not conceal his hard lines of tigerish strength. Everything about him was tigerish, elemental, untamed. He was  alien as the jungle to her in his difference from the debonair courtiers to whom she was accustomed.
From "Black Colossus"
Page 113. The Complete Chronicles of CONAN.

I mean come on...
"His mail could not conceal his hard lines of tigerish strength."
His muscles were visible through his armour?? :-)
What a guy!

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