Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CONAN has a fight with a god

After fleeing the mysterious city of Xuthal where he killed nearly everyone he met and had a fight with the ancient thog, the god (yes! god!) of the people there. Thog was as gods go a fairly Lovecraftian tentacled one at that, CONAN remarks,

There are brains and gut and blood to be cleaned off marble tiles, and if their god still lives, he carries more wounds than I.
From "The Slithering Shadow"
Page 162. The Complete Chronicles of CONAN


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not the only god he fought if memory serves! I think he slayed (slew?) t'other one.

    1. I heard that :-)

      I have a sneaking suspiciscion that the next god he kills will get a mention.
